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11 Questions with the cast of My Name is Rachel Corrie | Erin Doherty

By youngvicstaff 16 Oct 2017

Erin Doherty plays Rachel Corrie in this year's JMK production My Name is Rachel Corrie. She has received plenty of critical praise with The Guardian describing Erin's portrayal as "one of the year's great discoveries with a stunning performance" (★★★★). So without further ado, it's over to the lady herself...

1. Can you describe your character in My Name is Rachel Corrie in three words?

Determined, quick, hopeful

2. What's the most exciting thing about being part of this Young Vic production?

The opportunity to tell Rachel's story

3. How do you think this show will make audiences feel?

(I hope) Charged

4. Did you do anything unusual to prepare for this role?

We went to Israel and Palestine. We wouldn't have been able to make this production without it.

5. What was it like working with JMK Award winner Josh Roche?

Fantastic. Collaborative. Enriching.

6. What are you usually doing 10 minutes before the show begins?

For this project: Listening to Mozart, lying on the floor of my dressing room.

YV-RachelCorrie-278.JPG Erin Doherty in My Name is Rachel Corrie. Photo by Ellie Kurrtz.

7. What's the best piece of advice you've ever been given?

Learn to live off little so you can continue doing what excites you.

8. Who is your ultimate hero and what would you say to them if you ever met them?

Well I met Juliet Stevenson last Saturday - she's a huge hero, a superhero, I think I managed to tell her she's great...not much else came out.

9. What is your favourite play you've seen, read or worked on? 

Mercury Fur, directed by Ned Bennett at the Trafalgar Studios in 2012 - blew my brains out.

10. What is the last thing that made you laugh out loud? 

A phone conversation with my sister, Grace.

11. Confession time. This is a safe space: tell us something you've never told anyone before.

I used to think my cat was my twin. Yes. I really did.

My Name is Rachel Corrie is currently sold out, but you can queue for day seats or check the Young Vic website for returns (it might be your lucky day) to catch Erin doing what she does best (10 minutes after lying on the floor listening to Mozart).