Thank you so much for considering leaving the Young Vic a gift in your will.
Making a will is the best way to ensure your wishes are carried out and that those you care about are provided for. As a registered charity (no. 268876), any gift left to the Young Vic in your will would not be subject to Inheritance Tax.
We recommend that you contact a solicitor for professional and comprehensive advice when making or altering your will to ensure that your wishes are properly fulfilled.
Please let us know if you are pledging a gift to the Young Vic so we can keep you updated on our work – all information will be treated in confidence.
If you are considering leaving a legacy to the Young Vic, we would love to have a conversation with you, in confidence and without obligation. Please contact Georgie Neve, Head of Philanthropy:
Legacies, Development Team, The Young Vic, 66 The Cut, London, SE1 8LZ