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11 Questions with the cast of Once in a Lifetime – Daniel Abelson

By Anonymous (not verified) 4 Jan 2017

Once in a Lifetime's Daniel Abelson, who plays New York writer Lawrence Vail, rose to the challenge of answering our 11 questions. Whilst Daniel makes reference to cast-mate Adrian Der Gregorian chatting to him about food preparation 10 minutes before the show, fellow dressing-room chum Otto Farrant suggests otherwise... find out more in Otto's 11 Questions.

ONCE IN A LIFETIME Daniel Abelson in Once In a Lfetime. Photo by Johan Persson.

Can you describe your character in Once in a Lifetime in three words?

Out of place.

What’s it been like working with Richard Jones?

Lovingly detailed.

If you could be in a room full of any one thing, what would it be?

Female versions of me.

What are you usually doing 10 minutes before the show begins?

Listening to Adrien der Gregorian talk endlessly and ceaselessly about food preparation.

What is your favourite play (seen, read or worked on)?

The second year's production of Company at my local college.

What is your favourite midnight snack?

Buttered crackerbread.

What was it that first got you interested in the theatre?

The exorbitant pay.

Where is your favourite place in the world?

A beach. But not a British beach.

If days were 28 hours long, what would you do with the 4 extra hours?

Sit there feeling guilty about not being more pro active.

If you could have been born in any era, which would it be and why?

Any time before health and safety.

If you could have any one supernatural power which would you choose and why?

The ability to read casting director's / director's minds in auditions.

Beat the January blues and experience 1930s Hollywood at the YV in Richard Jones' "Hilarious" and "stunningly stylish production". Tickets from just £10: