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Friends and Good Friends booking for Punch now open. Due to the global IT outage last Friday, public booking will now open on Wednesday 24 July at 12pm. 

Directors Program Online | 18 May 2020

By Ezequiel 18 May 2020

Jennifer Tang (c) Ikin Yum @ Kii Studios


Online Workshops

We continue to organise Directors Program events and workshops online. We would like to be able to offer as many of our planned projects to the network via the platform, Zoom.  

To participate in online workshops you will need access to a smartphone / tablet / or laptop computer.  

For speed and ease of use, download the app HERE 

Some workshops will be open access (not just for members on the Genesis Network). 


Open Access Workshops 

  • Class and Coronavirus - Part 2 (22 May)


    Friday 22 May
    2.00pm - 4.30pm


    Directors Stef O’Driscoll and Caitriona Shoobridge will be hosting second informal get together for creatives who identify as working class, benefit class, underclass or criminal class. You don’t need to have come to the first session to come along.

    Over the past several weeks as the Coronavirus Crisis has unfolded it has become clear that those from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds have been hit the hardest. From those working in front line jobs to the inequality of the lockdown experience, people from working-class communities are more likely to be affected by the virus.

    The magnitude and weight of this pandemic only magnifies the physical, emotional, social and financial barriers working-class artists will face in theatre moving forwards - although there’s no reason it should be this way.

    In Class and Coronavirus Part One we heard from working-class, benefit class, criminal class and underclass artists UK wide. We heard people's present challenges and fears about what the industry will look like post-pandemic. Here are a few of those thoughts, questions and realities.

    • People are considering leaving the industry as they can’t survive without income.
    • Fear and anxiety of financial instability is preventing artists being creative in this time.
    • Applying for ACE emergency funding is a daunting process. What support is there with writing applications for emergency funds and grants?
    • ACE should have a socio-economic representation box on the equal opps form.
    • Early career artists are looking for advice. Where do they go during this time?
    • Will theatres' need for box income see them working with established artists? What does this mean for emerging artists?
    • How can we dispel the myth that diversity and representation equals risk?
    • Anxiety of being further disadvantaged when this is over people who have had a dip into universal credit from the middle class feel like they understand poverty and deprivation, it is not the same.
    • Children need laptops for homeschooling so writers are unable to write.

    A call for transparency was made and a collective want for action on class diversity was expressed. How can we support the industry to consider our realities and suggestions?

    In part two we will work out TOGETHER what the next steps of action and how we do this collectively.
    Before attending part two please think about ….

    Something you want the industry to consider post-pandemic?
    What do we want transparency on?

    We hope you will be able to join us. Please let us know if you would like to attend by signing up here.

    A Zoom link will be emailed to you a day before the event.

    If you have any access requirements please let us know.

    The workshops are open to any artist who identifies as working class, benefit class, underclass or criminal class. You do not have to be a member of the Young Vic’s Genesis Network to take part.

  • East Asian Theatremakers Discussion Group (26 May)


    26 May 2020 
    4.30 – 6.00pm 

    Jennifer Tang will be hosting an online informal get together for any artist working in theatre, and students or recent graduates, who identify as East Asian. The session will be a chance for you to connect with other East Asian artists, to check in to see how we are all doing, share any concerns and opportunities, and see what we can to do to support each other during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. 

    With the rise of racism against East Asians during this time, and with the knowledge that those from BAME and minority backgrounds are most likely to be affected by the crisis, this forum will provide a platform where East Asian artists can talk freely and openly about their experiences, fears, concerns and hopes. How do we ensure that COVID-19 doesn’t become an excuse for acceptable racism against East Asians? How can the EA Artist community support each other emotionally and artistically, and what wider support do we need in order to ensure that our voices can be heard through this, and beyond? 

    This will be an open and safe forum for any East Asian theatre artist to attend, the hope being that this dialogue will help to shape a wider conversation with the sector to help support East Asian artists in the future. 

    If you would like to attend this discussion then please sign up here so we can get a sense of numbers.  If you know of other East Asian theatremakers please feel free to pass on the details and ask them to also sign up if they wish to attend. 

    A Zoom link will be emailed to you a day before the event.

    If you have any access needs please let us know. 

    Jennifer Tang is the next Young Vic Genesis Fellow/Associate Director. She is an award-winning UK and International theatre director, specialising in new writing and fusing theatre with music. She has worked with buildings and organisations including The Royal Exchange, The Young Vic, The Gate, Hampstead Theatre, The Royal Opera House and The Royal Shakespeare Company. Her practice also spans devised work and opera, and she has extensive experience of working with communities and young people.


We are also interested to hear from members of the Genesis Network if they have a proposal for an online workshop.  If you would like to suggest a session please email 


Sue Emmas
Associate Artistic Director
Young Vic