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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “The language uncoils like perfumed smoke, sensuous, evocative, hypnotic.” | Taha reviews

By youngvicstaff 10 Jul 2017

The reviews for Taha are rolling in. This beautiful production written and performed by Amer Hlehel is directed by Amir Nizar Zuabi (The BelovedI Am Yusuf and This Is My Brother), founder of celebrated theatre company ShiberHur and is part of the Shubbak Festival 2017, opening a Window on Contemporary Arab Culture.

You can read the reviews below and check out what audiences have been saying so far in our Storify round up.

Amer Hlehel in Taha at the Young Vic. Photo by David Sandison..jpg Amer Hlehel in Taha at the Young Vic. Photo by David Sandison.

“Rich, vivid… acutely moving. Simply beautiful.”
The Times | Read the full review

“Pure poetry blossoms in deceptively simple show”
The Evening Standard | Read the full review

“An inspiring piece, delicate, deeply affecting. Warmly recommended”
Independent | Read the full review

“A simple but well-crafted biographical portrait of an ordinary man who made himself into something more.”
British Theatre Guide | Read the full review

Taha runs in the Young Vic Maria studio until 15 July, make sure to grab your ticket now before it heads to Summerhall at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.