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Are Creators Program workshops accredited?

The opportunities offered through the Creators Program are for artists and producers who are presently working in the industry and are part of their continued professional development. Consequently, the opportunities are not part of a course and there is no accreditation.

Do you provide feedback for opportunities?

We realise that it can be dispiriting to write letters, applications and proposals and not get a sense of why decisions were made. Consequently, where possible, we will provide opportunities to receive feedback, and this will be clearly indicated in the application process. Please note, we do not provide written feedback – it will always be given in person or over the phone.

How do I get my work programmed at the Young Vic?

At present, we are not able to receive proposals for shows to be performed in the Clare or the Maria Theatres.  We are using those spaces to support the work in the Main House, for our own work we make as part of Taking Part, or the Genesis Future Directors Award, or our workshops and events.

Generally, we rarely programme work that we have not originated ourselves. We have a range of work we are developing ourselves and there are limited opportunities for us to programme work that has already been made. However, we are very keen to get to know the work of artists and the best way for us to do this is to see work. If you would like us to see your work, please email

Does the Young Vic host rehearsed readings?

We very rarely host rehearsed readings. When we do, it tends to be for invited audience and is for shows or ideas we are in the process of programming. We have very limited opportunities to support rehearsed readings of plays we do not have a direct link to. 

However, if you would like to rent the space please contact with information about your needs, potential dates and numbers in attendance.

How do I get cast at the Young Vic?

We do not have a casting director on the Young Vic’s staff and therefore we always use freelance casting directors for all our work. If you are interested in working at the Young Vic it is best to get in contact with the casting director working on the specific show you would like to be considered for. To find out who is casting which show please contact our Welcome Team on 020 7922 2922.

How do I arrange work experience/internships at the Young Vic?

Our Production department provides work experience for students who are over 18 and studying production arts e.g. lighting, sound, stage management through a Higher Education course. Once a year, the Taking Part department run our Young Associates scheme for young adults between the ages of 18 – 25 who are based in Lambeth or Southwark. When applications for this scheme open, we will share on social media and our mailing list. The job will then be posted on our website. Their Twitter handle is: @YVTakingPart. We don’t run an internship programme, but we do provide placements through Reach Out and the Jerwood Assistant Directors Program to spend time at the Young Vic finding out more about how the theatre works. These opportunities are always advertised through the Creators Program Network.

If I have an idea for an event, such as a workshop or discussion, what should I do?

We encourage members of the Creators Program Network to suggest ideas for workshops and initiatives. This should be an activity that would benefit at least 10 – 15 artists. Our series of peer-led projects are opportunities for members on the Network to suggest workshops they would find useful. It is not expected that the member who suggests the session will run it – instead they will work with the Young Vic to initiate and develop the idea.  This might be asking a specific practitioner to share their craft, running a discussion, bringing together a group of artists and producers with shared interests. Recent examples include regular opportunities to watch recording of international work, workshops for LGBTQ theatre makers, networking event for writers and directors. If you have an idea, please send an email to

How do I invite you to see my show?

Please send invitations to our artistic team at It is helpful if you send the information a month in advance of the performances. 

If I live and work outside of England/outside of the UK, how can I take part?

If you live and work in Scotland, Wales, Ireland or Northern Ireland you can join the Network and have access to some opportunities through Reach Out. All activities take place in England and in order to apply for paid opportunities you have to be a resident in the UK at the point of application.  At present we do not have specific opportunities for international artists who are not resident in the UK.  However, we have run workshops and sessions online with international partners which artists living and working outside of the UK are welcome to participate in.

Through our Reach Out program, we provide travel and accommodation expenses for network members based outside of London to participate in select events and opportunities. We also provide honorarium fees for longer projects.

Many of our workshops are hybrid so that people can participate remotely and online.