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The role of Big Mama in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

By youngvicstaff 23 Aug 2017

Lisa Palfrey who plays Big Mama in the Young Vic's production of Cat on a Hot Tin Roof at the Apollo Theatre is indisposed having had to undergo an emergency appendectomy.

During this time the role of Big Mama will be played by Kerry Fox until Lisa is well enough to continue giving her widely praised performance.

David Lan and Lucy Woollatt of the Young Vic said:

"All of us - and especially last week's packed houses - are enormously grateful to Katy Brittain for covering so brilliantly for Lisa Palfrey after Lisa was taken ill. And we're delighted that our old friend the great Kerry Fox has agreed with alacrity to step in to play Big Mama until Lisa is well enough to rejoin the 'Cat' company. Great thanks to everyone for their generosity and good will over this period. All our best wishes and love to Lisa for a speedy recovery."

Cat on a Hot Tin Roof plays at the Apollo Theatre until 4 October.