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Five Plays - November 2017 | YV Directors Program

By lpupyv 20 Nov 2017

Twice a year we team up five directors from our Directors Program with five different writers and task them with creating five plays, rehearsed and staged over five days with five different casts. The result is Five Plays. As always, this November saw some amazing collaborations between a host of exciting writing and acting talent working with our five directors, including three Jerwood Assistant Directors who have worked on recent Young Vic productions.

I Have Aids


by Rachel De-Lahay. Direction Milli Bhatia, with Shane Zaza and Shvorne Marks.  



by Charlotte Josephine. Direction Alasdair Pidsley, with Sean Campion and Sophie Melville.  



by Winsome Pinnock. Direction Nicole Charles, with Estella Daniels and Petra Lang.  

Signs / Wonders 


by Katherine Soper. Direction Anna Poole, with Aoife Duffin and Robyn Addison.  



by Phoebe Eclair-Powell. Direction Natalie Denton, with Gemma Lawrence and Jack Shalloo. To find out more about the YV Directors Program and how we're supporting artists of the future head to

All photos by Slav Kirichok. Anna Poole, Natalie Denton and Nicole Charles are supported through the Jerwood Assistant Directors Program at the Young Vic. Alasdair Pidsley is supported through the Young Vic Reach Out initiative. With thanks to Jerwood Charitable Foundation which is dedicated to imaginative and responsible revenue funding of the arts, supporting artists to develop and grow at important stages in their careers. The aim of its funding is to allow artists and arts organisations to thrive; to continue to develop their skills, imagination and creativity with integrity. It works with artists across art forms, from dance and theatre to literature, music and the visual arts. For more information on Jerwood Charitable Foundation visit: