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Over Your Dead Body

Written by Joe Flynn

Friends & Good Friends booking: open now
Public booking: Mon 19 Feb, midday

The Maria

Over Your Dead Body is a haunting examination into the psychosis of domestic abuse. 

  • Show Warnings


    Content Warnings: Strong Language, references to war, domestic abuse, references to mental health issues, references to substance abuse, blood on stage and violent scenes. 

    Production Warnings: Strobe/ flashing lights, sudden loud noises 

  • Running Time


    30 minutes

Image: NEW'24: NEW VOICES Writers, clockwise from top right: Stella Elliott-Fortnum, Joe Flynn, Liam Whiting

Written by Joe Flynn
Technical Stage Manager Eloise Davis
Mentor Director Roxana Silbert
Voice Director Alice White
Movement Director Michael White
Combat Director Kevin McCurdy
Production Manager Dave Roxburgh
Production Supervisor David Williams
Costume Supervisor Jenn Jacobs-Evans
Creative Producer Georgia Meropoulos
Assistant Stage Managers / Technicians Ellie Cumner, Kali Shih

With Stella Elliott-FortnumJoe Flynn and Liam Whiting

Access concession tickets are now available to book online. Click here for more information about booking access tickets online.